Boost the playing budget!

By Ray Simpson

Boost the playing budget!

Here's your chance to increase the playing budget with contributions on a monthly basis!In just over...

Here's your chance to increase the playing budget with contributions on a monthly basis!

In just over a fortnight, the amount pledged is 37% of the way to the £80,000 target!

Darlington FC have risen from the depths of the Northern League with manager Martin Gray at the helm who has assembled a team that has risen three divisions to be a force to be reckoned with in the National League North. A team that will compete in the upper reaches of the league does come at a cost though and the income for the 2016/7 season has not been able to support the budget required to build a team of the quality we've witnessed this season. In order that the Club remains sustainable and is able to challenge for promotion we need your help!

As a fan owned Club we have no large benefactor to pump in cash each season and rely on you, the fans, to fund the progress of the team. In previous years any budget shortfall has been raised by emergency cash calls on fans towards the end of the season. Going forwards that ethos must change if we are to ensure the Club remains solvent and sustainable. We can only live within our means and must cut our cloth accordingly.

Add to that the need for us to also build a ground from scratch and continually improve it as we go in order to conform to the exacting standards of the FA and league and the task is sizeable - but we can do it if we ALL join together. Building the infrastructure we have so far has already impacted on our operating income as around 20% of our current attendance purchased 5 year season tickets - money that has been spent on returning us home.

Based on operating income projections for 2017/8 we will have to cut the existing playing budget unless we can find additional income.

Crowd funding from our 1,500 strong support has been identified as the most efficient way of finding that external investment which will allow Martin to retain and add the players that will allow us to progress to the next level. Rather than substantially hiking ticket prices which can deter new support and are taxable, voluntary donations are seen as a great way to move the Club forwards.

** A small contribution can make a BIG difference if we all join together **

For the price of one of those glamorous coffees or a pint of beer each week we can really make a difference to the direction of OUR Club. For instance just £3 per week will deliver £150 over the course of the year. 500 of us pulling together and doing just that will equate to £75,000 over the course of the season, a truly fantastic amount and one which will support Martin to build a team capable of challenging whilst ensuring that our primary objective as a fan owned club - financial stability - is met.

* Donations will be taken by Direct Debit either weekly for 50 weeks or monthly for 12 months - you can choose which.

* Donations are tax free unlike gate receipts - exiled fans buying season tickets to support the Club should seriously consider this    method of support as it will result in 20% extra revenue for the Club.

* Funds will be collected into the DFCSG bank account and transferred to the Club on the 1st of each month in order to contribute to the players' wages.

* A small percentage will be held back each month in the DFCSG account to cover in the case of cancelled subscriptions.

* Any remaining funds in this account will be transferred on the 1st May 2018.