As announced at the Fans’ Forum last night, the Board of Darlington Football Club is delighted to an...

Whilst details of the partnership are still being finalised, the re-engagement of a previous sponsor who oversaw so much of the Club’s recent financial turmoils, represents a huge step forward in rebuilding the brand credibility of the club as it is currently being operated and also endorses its strategic direction.
The Directors were keen to allow DBS to carry out their own diligence on the figures, the strategy and individually from which the a working partnership, that aligns the commercial and strategic objectives of both DFC and DBS, can be followed.
Martin Jesper, the Club’s Chief Executive Officer, announced that Darlington Building Society, which sponsored the team for 13 years before the club went into administration in 2012, had agreed to support the club again by becoming a significant corporate partner.
He stated "This commitment from Darlington Building Society is a huge message to the fans and local businesses that, behind the scenes, we are in good shape - the club has been rescued, it has been stabilised and now it is time to grow.
“We hope that a business with the size, reputation and local presence of DBS will act as a catalyst for other local businesses to realise that now is the time to re-engage with the Club and share this exciting part of the Club’s history with us all".