Darlington v Prescot Cables Virtual 50/50

The latest virtual draw
Our next virtual 50/50 is now up and running with the draw taking place on Saturday 3rd October, at half-time in the match, (technology permitting)!
Each Virtual 50:50 ticket costs £1.00, and you can buy as many as you like (as long as you're aged 16 or over). Here's how you can enter:
- Transfer your ticket money to DFCSG; Sort Code 30-84-43; Account Number 30283268.
Make sure you include a 50/50 in the payment reference to help Andy identify your payment.
- Contact Andy with your unique payment reference. No numbers will be allocated as we will be live streaming a random draw to determine the winner, but email/message Andy if you want to confirm the money has gone through and you are in the draw. Andy can be contacted at andy.clarke@dfcsg.co.uk or @AndyClarke5 on Twitter.
Please make sure you read the Terms & Conditions below before you enter, and remember that you can join Andy in becoming a fan-owner at dfcsg.co.uk/join. Good luck!
Virtual 50:50 Draw Terms & Conditions
- The Virtual 50:50 Draw is promoted and operated by Darlington Football Club Supporters Group (DFCSG). DFCSG is the trading name of Darlington 1883 Supporters’ Society Limited, whose registered office is located at Blackwell Meadows, Grange Road, Darlington, DL1 5NR.
- DFCSG is registered as a Small Society Lottery operator by Darlington Borough Council.
- The Virtual 50:50 Draw is a simple lottery in which 50% of the proceeds shall be donated to DFCSG. The remaining 50% of proceeds shall be paid as prize money to one winning entrant.
- The winning entry shall be determined by a random name generator conducted on 3rd October 2020.
- Entrants must be aged 16 or over.
- 1 entry costs £1.00.
- The total number of entries into the lottery may not exceed 20,000. There is otherwise no limit on the number of entries per entrant.
- Entries received after 12pm on October 3rd 2020 shall be deemed invalid.
- Entries shall only be deemed valid once DFCSG has received the correct amount of entry money.
- The decision of DFCSG in relation to all matters shall be final.