Jack Maskell Excited to Join Darlington FC: Exclusive Interview

By Chris Stockdale

Jack Maskell Excited to Join Darlington FC: Exclusive Interview

Following the exciting news of Jack Maskell's signing, we had the opportunity to sit down with our newest forward for an exclusive interview. Fresh off his holidays, Jack shared his thoughts.

How the Move Came About

Jack Maskell revealed that his move to Darlington FC came as a pleasant surprise. "It was about two weeks ago, just before I went on holiday," he said. "The chairman from Dunston mentioned some interest, but I didn’t hear much until a couple of days before it was finalised. When it was confirmed, I was buzzing and really happy."

Reflecting on a Stellar Season

Jack had a fantastic season at Dunston, scoring 26 goals in 36 appearances. Reflecting on his performance, he mentioned, "I was expecting some interest after such a good season, but I was focused on making the right move for my career. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Darlington, and I’m ready for this step."

Playing Style and Expectations

Darlington fans can look forward to an all-around forward. Jack described his playing style as versatile and hardworking. "I like making runs in behind, coming for the ball at my feet, and being strong in the air. But most importantly, I always graft," he emphasised.

Influences and Inspirations

Jack also spoke about the influence of former Darlington players Stephen Thompson and Phil Turnbull. "I've spoken a lot with Phil, asking for advice. He’s been around the game a long time, and he’s always been helpful. The same goes for Thommo. They’re both great lads."

Anticipating the Challenge

Moving up through the leagues, Jack is aware of the challenges ahead. "I expect more experienced and physical defenders in the National League North, but I’m ready for the test. I believe I can hold my own," he said.

Looking Forward to Pre-Season

Eager to get started, Jack expressed his excitement for the upcoming pre-season and his debut at Blackwell Meadows. "I can't wait to meet the fans and play my first home game. It’s going to be very interesting, and I’m looking forward to getting started."

Jack also acknowledged the significant role of Manager Steve Watson and Assistant Manager Terry Mitchell in his decision to join Darlington. "I’ve heard a lot of good stuff about them. Having a good manager was a big factor in my decision."

With pre-season just around the corner, Jack is focused on staying fit and hitting the ground running. "I’ve already started my training to ensure I’m in good shape for the first day," he concluded.

Watch the full interview on our YouTube channel: