Thanks for your support!

By Ray Simpson

Thanks for your support!

Messages from DJ and AA

We would like to thank all our supporters, sponsors and volunteers for their great backing throughout the season.

The season has ended prematurely, but regardless of how the final league table may be calculated, we will finish in the top nine of the table, an improvement of seven places on season 2018-19.

Many involved with the club will also remember our best run in the FA Cup since we became a fan-owned club, reaching the first round of the FA Cup before going out in a televised replay against Walsall.

Chief executive officer David Johnston said; “On behalf of the club, I would like to thank all our great fans for their fantastic support at matches and for their financial backing, this season.

“It never ceases to amaze me that our fans step forward to help in some way. From the 1200 or so fans who travelled to Walsall and never stopped cheering, to the fan who raised money to pay for a team bus and to another fan who organises virtual 50/50 draws.

“Our army of backroom staff and volunteers have also been outstanding. They make sure that everything runs like clockwork, and their proudest moment was ensuring that the televised Walsall FA Cup replay, which aroused so much interest amongst the fans and the media, went so smoothly.

“I would like to thank all our volunteers, who do so much for the club on a matchday, and to many other people who work for the club on non-matchdays. They all play a valuable role.

“It’s a shame that our league games ended, because we were on the fringe of the play offs, and a good run of wins could still have taken us into the top seven.

“Nevertheless, Alun, his staff and the players did an excellent job, and gave us some very proud moments, especially in the FA Cup. No-one will forget Joe Wheatley’s late equaliser at Walsall!

“We are in turbulent times at the moment, but we will endeavour to back Alun financially as much as we can with his team building for the new season, whenever that will be.

“I know these are tough times but please if you can continue to support the Boost the Budget and buy season tickets. Commercial revenue will be tough next year as companies emerge from the lockdown with tighter purse strings than before.

“We therefore need your help to ensure we have a decent playing budget to support Alun. At the end of the day we will manage with whatever we get but recognise next season may be difficult.

“In the meantime, we urge everyone to look after themselves and their families, and to stay safe. We want to see you at matches when we eventually restart.”


Enter the next 50/50 draw


Manager Alun Armstrong looked back on his first season in charge, and said; “I would like to thank everyone for the great backing that they have given the lads and the management team over the season, you lot have been magnificent. We will never know what could have been, but everyone’s health is much more important, I’m sure you will all agree.

“The support we’ve had, not just at home but at so many away grounds, has been fantastic – and none of us who were there will ever forget the FA Cup tie at Walsall, and those celebrations at the end with over a thousand of you behind the goal will never be forgotten but I’m still gutted we never won that game.

“I said when I came to the club last May that the season would be one of team building and consolidation in the league and try and get the connection back between the fans and the player/club and I believe those aims have been achieved. We brought in several players who improved the team, and in turn have provided some great entertainment. As I have said on several occasions, I set the team up to attack and score goals, but we didn’t take enough of the numerous chances we created. I would like to think that we have won some very entertaining games this season, and at times the quality of our football has been excellent.

“There have also been times when we have been too inconsistent, sometimes we produced an unexpected below-par performance after a very good one with individual errors getting punished at every opportunity. I believe that if I can add some more quality players to the squad, then we can be more consistent in terms of results. I really thought that we could make a late bid for the play offs after the Telford away win, which I thought was one of our best performances of the season. Unfortunately, the lockdown means that we will never know.

“I think many of you will agree we are not a million miles away from being a top side and I have already started thinking of the squad for next season – whenever that might start – back in January and hopefully with your financial support through the Boost the Budget scheme alongside the other initiatives that the club has in hand, then hopefully I’ll be able to bring in the quality of players that we need to launch a really serious promotion challenge next season. I must mention Andy Clarke’s virtual 50/50 draw is a fantastic gesture and shows how amazing you as fan owners are. I totally understand that finances will be really tight for people in these uncertain times but whatever you do raise for our club I can assure you it will be spent wisely as I have done this year bringing more value for money. 

“I would like to thank everyone inside the club for their support and backing, from David Johnston right through to every single volunteer, your work is what this club is about. It has been fantastic working with DJ and the board this season where everyone is pulling in the same direction, Ray and Kev have been unbelievable in what they produce for the club, keeping everyone up to date. Lastly, I’ve got to thank all my coaching staff, Daz, Jim, Danny Gaz and Mark and not forgetting the players who have given us their all this season -- but I will be asking even more from them next year. 

“Again, to all the fans who have cheered the lads on in every game, it really is much appreciated.”

In the meantime, the club will be updating the official website regularly until we start again – whenever that might be – and we will be encouraging our fans to interact. We have some great features lined up.

We urge everyone to look after yourselves, and stay safe – and see you when games restart!