Thanks to the NHS Day on Saturday!
By Ray Simpson

Update on local groups attending
We're holding our Thanks to the NHS Day on Saturday, in which we're offering all NHS workers free admission to the game on production of their NHS Card.
We're also hosting several local groups, who will be advertising their services and explaining what they do.
We've already mentioned several groups who are attending here:

Darlington Parent Carer Forum (DPCF) is a parent led Forum for parents and carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and disabled children and young people. The Forum provides opportunities for parents and carers to come together and discuss issues that affect the lives of their children and young people and work in partnership with the Council, health services and other service providers to ensure that information, services and support meet the needs of those using them.
Darlington Parent Carer Forum believes that as parents and carers you are the real experts in understanding how information, services and support best meets your child’s and your needs and your views are key to the future development of these.
Family Support Sessions are delivered together with Daisy Chain at the Darlington Hippodrome every Tuesday from 10am to 12noon for families who display characteristics associated with neurodevelopmental conditions. Wellbeing Wednesday Peer Support Sessions are also held every other Wednesday from 23rd February between 10am to 12noon at the Darlington Arena. Peer support drop ins are relaxed and informal, providing the opportunity to meet other parents/carers in similar situations and discuss any topics or situations that you might be finding challenging, as well as sharing positive stories, top tips, strategies and information. For more details see or email