The National League announced at the formal meeting of Clubs who assembled at their Annual Congress...
The National League announced at the formal meeting of Clubs who assembled at their Annual Congress at Celtic Manor on Saturday 11th June the following.
Vanarama have extended their existing Title Sponsorship deal.
The new deal will be a 12 month rolling contract which in the first instance will see them continue at least for a fourth year up to June 2018. This was excellent news for clubs to receive when announced to the meeting.
Andy Alderson MD said "The rebrand exercise taken hby The National League 12 months ago has in part helped our own brand image grow in and outside our industry. Our profile and recognition has risen beyond our expectations. We look forward to continuing to work closely with everyone connected with the League and our early decision to extend to 2018 validates how partnerships can flourish if the mix is right".
Charlie Clapham, Vice Chairman of the League commented; "Since Vanarama joined with us two seasons ago our partnership; and above all else our friendship, has grown and this news was a massive boost to everyone present at Congress. Thanks to Andy and all his wonderful staff".