Darlington fans raise £1 million for their club in six years!
By Ray Simpson

Darlington fans raise £1 million for their club in six years!The opening of the new seated stand at...

Darlington fans raise £1 million for their club in six years!
The opening of the new seated stand at Blackwell Meadows last Saturday marked a significant milestone in the recent history of Darlington FC.
Darlington fans raised £150,000 to pay for the foundations and the construction, which took the total raised by loyal and generous Darlington fans to a staggering £1 million since that famous day in January 2012 when £50,000 was hastily raised to save the club.
Darlington director John Tempest said; “Ever since that day six years ago when the club almost died, the financial backing of our fans has been magnificent. They have played a most crucial part in helping the club to where it is today.”
Chris Stockdale, chair of the Darlington FC Supporters Group, said; “Passing the £1 million figure is a real milestone. To raise this amount of money illustrates just how much our core supporters have bought into the concept of fan ownership after years of disastrous private ownership. We should all be very proud of our progress over the past six years.
“The challenge going forward will be to deepen and broaden our support as we seek to continue to grow our football club.”
Pictured are Neil Raper secretary of the Darlington FC Supporters Group and John Tempest, Darlington FC director.
The breakdown of the £1 million is:
January 2012 Initial club rescue £50,000
March 2012 A share funds £20,000
June 2012 Ordinary equity share issue £128,835
April 2014 Squareknot equity share issue £55,053
May 2015 Launch of 500 club £285,000
August 2016 Community Share issue 1 £100,000
Sept 2016 500 club extension £29,000
Sept 2016 500 club new members £26,000
Dec 2016 Dugouts and goal posts £8,000
May 2017 Community share issue 2 – pitch £43,850
July 2017 Community Share issue 2 seats 1/3 £39,650
Sept 2017 Boost the Budget £40,000
Sept 2017 Community Share issue 2 seats 2/3 £37,750
Dec 2017 Sponsor Your Seat £8,095
Dec 2017 Community Share issue 2 seats 3/3 £33,200
Dec 2017 Ground development fund £12,035
Lottery ongoing £61,125
Feb 2018 500 club extension £60,000
Grand total £1,037,593