David Stevens

By Ray Simpson

David Stevens

Long serving Darlo fan passes away

The club is very sad to learn about the passing of long serving fan David Stevens at the age of 88.

David, who had supported the club since the 1950s, experienced many of the ups and downs supporting the club.

His son, Barry said; " David adopted Darlington as his hometown in the early 1950's, having left Birmingham to conduct his national service at Cattrick Garrison as an army PT instructor. Being football mad, he played local league football as a tricky left winger for as long as his legs would carry him. My grandfather introduced him to Darlo and he was soon attending every home game, possessing in abundance all the characteristics required of a lifetime Darlo fan, a sense of humour, endless positivity and a smile that would persist even after the bleakest of performances.

“He followed the team through thick and thin, from the heady days of skipping work at North Road Railway Shops in 1958 to witness the historic 4 -1 win over Chelsea; through the ups and downs of the following 60 + years. Many of which were shared with late friend and fellow season ticket holder Colin Bellwood.

“He encouraged the family to come along, having tried and failed with my elder sisters, I was indoctrinated at the age of 5 and have been hooked ever since, with two further generations of the family following on.

"Three trips to the twin towers eventually ended in triumph on the 7th May 2011, a day we'll all hold dear in our memories. Dad had just received a new hip joint weeks previously, it was touch and go whether he would be able to attend, we are so glad he did.

“In recent years his attendance has been limited due to ailment, but he had continued to follow the teams progress thanks to our amazing volunteers within the media team. Darlo fans radio was listened to, and highlights enjoyed every week of the season.

“It’s fitting Darlo produced their best performance of the season so far at Scarborough, days after he passed away. It brought back memories of watching the trouncing of Whitby Town in the championship winning game of 2016. We happened to be sat in the stand alongside a lifelong Whitby supporter, with whom we had a good craic on the evening. At the end of the game, Dad being the gent he always was offered a sincere apology and with a handshake and a smile the two auld boys wished each other the best for the following season.

“The joy of football.”

David’s funeral will be held on Monday 16th January, at West Cemetery, Darlington Crematorium, beginning at 12 noon. All friends from over the years are welcome.

Everyone at Darlington FC would like to pass on their sincere condolences to David's family and friends.






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