DFCSG Lottery winner Friday 20th November
By Ray Simpson

This week's lottery winner is:Number 214-John Timmins wins £50.Congratulations!Want a chance to win...
Number 214-John Timmins wins £50.
Want a chance to win £50 or more and help the club at the same time?
DFCSG lottery is growing all the time – and now’s the time to join!
Want to help the football club and maybe win some money along the way?
The Darlington Football Club Supporters Group runs a weekly lottery, which after prizes have been paid out, sees over £700 per month donated to the football club.
There are weekly prizes of up to £50, while at the end of each month, there is a superdraw with a top prize of up to £500. But the organisers of the lottery want to pay out much more than that on a regular basis, and they’re appealing for more members to join.
John Tempest of the DFCSG said; “We’ve just topped the 300 membership mark, which should enable a monthly donation of £750 to the football club, and prize money will also rise accordingly. To date we’ve raised over £23,000 for the club since March 2012, with similar pay outs in cash prizes. We’re looking to have an Xmas Special draw, with a jackpot payout of £750. “As a simple guide, for every 100 people who participate, the football club benefits by £3,000 per year. We need more entrants – after all, it’s a win/win situation.
“You have an opportunity to win some cash – which let’s face it is very handy at this time of year – while you also know the football club is benefitting.
“Participants can have as many numbers as they wish, as long as they pay £5 per month by standing order for each number. Alternatively, Colin will accept £60 cash or cheques to cover a one off annual payment. “For the cost of two pints a month you can make a difference so get family, friends or a syndicate at work involved. It will make a real difference.”
Forms are available from any member of the DFCSG board, or print off and complete the form attached.