Heading Home Fund Raising Initiative - Update

The Board of Directors is delighted to announce that, just 6 days after the launch of the Heading Ho...
The feedback on the value for money of the packages has been exceptionally positive. Fans who have already purchased a package are now encouraged to help 'spread the word' and sell the offerings to others who are either deliberating whether to buy one or, for whatever reasons, are simply not yet aware of the initiative.
Achieving the £225,000 target will allow the Club to build the infrastructure to comply with essential Category C FA Ground Grading requirements, and a required capacity of 1,950 - any excess raised will enable the Club to enhance that infrastructure further, increasing capacity and the match day experience. Raising £300,000 in total would allow the Club to develop the facilities to a greater specification, as outlined in the planning submission, which would potentially offer a capacity of 3,000.
The packages available have been created so that it is not just the individual fans who benefit from a range of prices and commemorative items, including the chance to have a free child’s season ticket for one year, but also the longer term viability and sustainability of the Club based back in Darlington becomes realistic and achievable.
The Club’s strategy to build ‘a Club rather than just a team’ over the longer term remains at the root of this initiative.
In order to help fans ‘spread the word’, summaries of the DFC500 and Vice-Presidents’ Club packages are now available to download and distribute by the fans (below).
As explained at the last week’s Fans’ Forum, the DFC500 and Vice-Presidents’ Club offerings will only be available for a limited time. This is to ensure that sufficient funds are raised to demonstrate that matched funds exist in support of the Club’s application for eligible grant funding from the Football Stadium Improvement Fund (FSIF).
The Board therefore intends to close the DFC500 and Vice-Presidents’ Club packages at midnight on Sunday 22 March 2015. If you want to be an integral part of the Club’s exciting plans and progression over the next 5 years, don’t miss out – and do your bit to ensure others don’t miss out either!