“If many more people in the region would crowd invest, we would soon reach the target.”

By Ray Simpson

“If many more people in the region would crowd invest, we would soon reach the target.”

John Morris became the 100th person to invest in Darlington Football Club on Tuesday, and Ray Simpso...

DFC badge

John Morris became the 100th person to invest in Darlington Football Club on Tuesday, and Ray Simpson swopped e mails with him.

I started watching Darlington in 1975 when I moved here for work and the first game I saw was a lively League cup encounter with Luton Town with a big crowd and great atmosphere and have watched them fairly regularly ever since although Wolves are my home town team and I remember the games against Darlington on the way down the leagues and back up again.

The annual battles against Hartlepool have been memorable both on and off the pitch as was a tough cup encounter with the Boro and the final home game when Quakers returned to the League.

If I had one wish, it would be the return of the free movement of home supporters to the other end at half time, this unique Feethams tradition sometimes surprised away supporters who thought that the home fans had had enough and were leaving.

I used to drive to work past the Neasham Road ground as it slowly appeared and somehow it always looked too ambitious and Gazza's antics at the big fundraising game still raise a smile.

I have invested a relatively small amount of money (less than four premiership match tickets) but if many more people in the region would 'crowd invest' we would soon reach the target. I am looking forward to seeing the team back in the town and believe that the ground share is great for both teams and for the town but I pray that someone makes the drainage and pitch protection a priority.

In my opinion, this is consistently the best and most exciting football I have seen since starting to watch the team so the manager and players deserve our full support and the staged development of the ground along with promotion this season would be brilliant.

I usually go to the games with a couple of season ticket holders and we always worry that Sainsburys will suddenly get awkward with the car parking -- another good reason to be back home!!

Do you want to invest in the club like John?

Then follow this link.
