Paddy leaves hospital

By Ray Simpson

Paddy leaves hospital

Centre half is on his way home

Darlington defender Paddy Almond has left hospital, and will be on his way home on Thursday.

Paddy was rushed to hospital with a bleed on the brain after our Trophy game at Southend nearly three weeks ago, and doctors at the Royal London Hospital have decided to send him home for more rest. 

He will have another CT scan in two weeks' time back in London to check on his blood state within the brain, from then on hopefully it’s just physio, occupational therapy and follow-ups with the Royal London. An operation is still a possibility but reducing all the time as he’s managed to overcome the initial bleed and the 14 day window for things getting worse again.

Everybody is delighted to learn that Paddy has left hospital, and we hope that he continues his recovery.

Thanks again to all the doctors and staff at Royal London and Southend hospitals, and to everyone who contributed financially to Paddy's GoFundMe


Paddy is pictured above enjoying his first meal outside of hospital in almost three weeks.