Revised fundraising target is set

By Ray Simpson

Revised fundraising target is set

Joint release by the boards of Darlington FC and Darlington FC Supporters GroupRevised Fundraising T...


Joint release by the boards of Darlington FC and Darlington FC Supporters Group

Revised Fundraising Target is set by boards of DFC and DFCSG

The boards of Darlington Football Club and Darlington FC Supporters Group have considered how the fundraising push is currently progressing and as a result have decided that the priority should be to direct the current fundraising round to purchasing and installing the seats, rather than the structural steel and cladding, which had been the original plan.

Installing the seats, albeit without a roof initially, would help to improve the match-day experience and in particular make it more attractive for young families to attend. The provision of the seats will be an immediate and lasting asset to the football club. Once this target is reached we will immediately open the final round of fundraising for the purchase & installation of a roof over the new stand.

The good news is that the total cost of providing the seats without the roof is only £38,300.

To put this in context, the Community Share pledges for seating phase 2 currently stands at £27,575;

The current total in the Ground Development Fund is £3,523;

Therefore the remainder we need to raise is only £7,202.

This is definitely achievable by a number of ways:

Supporters can pledge to the successful Community Share scheme (minimum investment £100); or donate to the Ground Development Fund. Details can be found on the DFCSG fundraising platform at:

However, there is also another way. So far 886 DFCSG members have renewed their membership for this season, leaving 258 members still to renew; If each member renewed, DFCSG would be able to donate another £5,160 directly to Ground Development Fund;

Similarly, every 40 new members that sign-up to DFCSG would generate another £1,000 for the Ground Development fund.

For any DFCSG member that wishes to renew, details are on the webpage:

For any supporter that wishes to join DFCSG, details are on the webpage:

Any supporter that joins or renews their DFCSG membership not only receives all the benefits of membership but they would be contributing directly towards the fundraising target.

If you prefer the more traditional ways of paying for any of the above initiatives, pop into Quaker Retail in the Dolphin Centre any weekday between 10am and 1pm and you will be assured of a warm welcome from our volunteers.

Reaching the fundraising target by the end of September means the seats potentially could be installed and ready for use for the match against York City on January 6th.

Come on Darlo fans, we can do this!

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