Welcome to our local schools

By Ray Simpson

Welcome to our local schools

Season tickets handed to Darlington schools


Craig Morley with Peter King, head teacher of Mowden Junior School


Darlington FC have linked up with 26 primary and junior schools in the town to offer them free admission to pupils of their choice to every Darlington home game.

Darlington commercial director Craig Morley and operations consultant Dave Mills recently attended a meeting of the town’s head teachers, and handed over a season ticket to each school to use as it feels best.

Craig said; “It’s up to the school what they want to use it for – maybe a reward for great work, good behaviour or to boost a youngster – we don’t mind.” The ticket also allows an adult to accompany them.

The club prides itself on being at the centre of the community, and we encourage people of all ages, to come along to our games.