Quaker Retail product of the week!

By Ray Simpson

Quaker Retail product of the week!

We're building up towards Christmas, and this week our product of the week are goalkeeper's strips!W...

We're building up towards Christmas, and this week our product of the week are goalkeeper's strips!

We are now offering to order either online or in store a full goalkeeper strip in green, yellow or purple. It is available as a pre order. The full strip will cost £45. The postage for the full strip will be £5 rather than having to pay postage for the shirt, shorts and socks separately. You will of course still be able to buy a shirt, shorts or socks individually if you don’t want the full strip - best of both worlds! Shown here is the strip usually worn by Pete Jameson which is neon yellow but we also have the strip in neon green and a third strip in purple.

8th October Vibrant_GK_Shorts_Yellow 8th October Vibrant_GK_Socks_Yellow 8th October Vibrant_GK_Yellow



Quaker Retail is open every weekday morning between 10am and 1pm in the Dolphin Centre, and before this Saturday's home game with Gainsborough Trinity.