Want to sponsor a Darlington game?

By Ray Simpson

Want to sponsor a Darlington game?

Thanks to H Atkinsons and Leada Auto Parts

Many thanks again to our match sponsor for Tuesdays match against Buxton, H Atkinson & Sons. They offer luxury coaches and our away match travel service www.atkinsoncoaches.co.uk

Also our match ball sponsor Leada Auto Parts. They are your local car parts and accessory shop on North Road. https://www.facebook.com/LeadaAutopart

Please take a look at what the match day sponsorship offers at;
https://darlingtonfc.co.uk/match-sponsor-1 & https://darlingtonfc.co.uk/match-ball-sponsor-1 and all your daily updated information at https://darlingtonfc.co.uk/

Please contact Mick at: commercial@darlingtonfc.org with the details of remaining matches open to sponsor.