Why not join the DFCSG?
By Ray Simpson

Joining the Darlington FC Supporters Group (Target 1,000 members)A revenue stream that can often be...

Joining the Darlington FC Supporters Group (Target 1,000 members)
A revenue stream that can often be overlooked - membership of the DFCSG allows fans and even non-fans of the club who are interested in supporting a club offering a benefit to the local community, to join for only £2 a month payable by standing order.
We have a target of reaching 1,000 members by the end of 2016 – membership currently stands at around 430. This is an ambitious target but with a regular fan base of 1,000 we feel that, as long as we can demonstrate that the group is playing an instrumental part in driving the club forwards and increasing member participation, it is achievable.
Should we reach our 1,000 target this alone will deliver up to £20,000 of additional revenue of which the majority, after some small administration costs, will be used to safeguard the long term future of the club and by supporting success and growth on and off the football field. This year alone we’ve invested £10,000 into the football club through equity purchase.
Not only will your contribution be supporting the club but it also gives you a say in how the club is run. With the DFCSG now taking a hands-on role in the strategic direction and governance of the football club there has never been a better time to make your voice heard. As well as a vote on the direction of the club there is also a great package of membership benefits .