Behind the scenes at Darlington FC latest update
By Ray Simpson

Summary of behind the scenes number 7
Here is the latest of the behind the scenes updates of events at Darlington FC.
The Boards of Darlington FC and DFCSG continue to meet weekly via video conference call, to discuss various ongoing relevant matters.
The Current league season:
Although our season has ended, there is still no information from the National League about what they intend to do about play offs, promotion and relegation. The league circulated all clubs last week asking for opinions on whether play offs should take place. We discussed various scenarios which might arise when the National League make their final decision, and how they might affect DFC.
Club finances:
Boost the Budget for season 2020/21 has been launched with the aim of raising £100,000 by the end of May.
All of the previous contributors have been contacted, while further details are available here:
At the time of publishing this article, the fans had raised an amazing £45,000 -- thanks to everybody.
Community engagement:
The club has again been very active in the last week, and intends to maintain this level of involvement through this period.
- The Buddy Mentoring Scheme has now reached over 570 supporters, with a great deal of excellent feedback. We know our fans appreciate the Club getting in touch to have a chat. We will soon be reaching the point when we will be starting the cycle again, with fans receiving another call, but this time from a different person from the club.
- Another reminder of our dedicated Contact Line (07488 564642 and email address ) for supporters who feel the need to talk to someone at the Club. Many thanks to those supporters who have used this service so far.
- The Rev John Barker, a life long Darlington fan, has been appointed club chaplain. He can be contacted on To find out more about John click the link below:
- Fitness coach Mark Thistlethwaite has started a series of exercise videos, entitled the 30 Second Challenge for everyone to take part in.
- The Farewell to Feethams book has now been adapted for the website and will be featured over forthcoming weeks and months.
In the coming week, in addition to a continuation of the above, we will:
- Be maintaining contact with all our schools, as they continue to provide a service for our vulnerable children and children of Key Workers.
- Re-play the 2011 FA Trophy final on the website on Saturday 9th May, beginning at 3pm. After much correspondence, the FA has provided us with footage of the full game, while full audio has also been provided by BBC Radio Tees. There will be a build up to the game using material from the book “In the Dying Seconds”.
- Continue to run feature articles on our sponsors and partners from the website. The Club remains in continuous contact with our sponsors and partners and we are maintaining our excellent relationships with them during these worrying times.
- Presenting a new column, written by our club chaplain, John Barker.
- Be working on the progress of other new and exciting features for the website
Throughout these very difficult and unprecedented times, we have maintained a very high profile for the club on our official website and social media channels, and we will continue to do so for the benefit of our much-valued supporters. In the coming weeks and months, we will be exploring several new ideas to help provide our supporters with their ‘football fix’.
Thank you for your continued support, it is very much appreciated.
Remember, stay at home, stay safe and help the NHS.