Confident Under 12s win 3-0

By Ray Simpson

Confident Under 12s win 3-0

Darlington U12's 3 Harraton U12's 0After an away win against the same team previously, the lads’ spi...

Darlington U12's 3 Harraton U12's 0

After an away win against the same team previously, the lads’ spirits were still high. First touch of the ball and Jack Harland was through on goal only to put it slightly wide, Harraton replied with an attack only to be saved by a very confident Lewis Johnstone. Again Darlington had another chance from a great through ball from Spencer McCabe for Jack to run onto but the keeper collected it. A new midfield partnership was tried with Lewis Smith going for everything he could and laying it off for Murray Brock to take it up the field. More and more chances came Darlington’s way with shots from Harland, McCabe and Brock all testing the keeper. Spencer McCabe was fouled outside the box and took the free kick. The ball floated in and lobbed the keeper, kit the bar, hit the line and came out, Jack Harland ran in and headed it into the net 1-0. Again Spencer broke through their defence causing problems for them every time he had the ball. Their very hard working attacker broke free and had a one on one with Lewis Johnstone, but nothing was going to get passed him at the moment and pulled off a magnificent save to deny the equaliser.

Half Time:

Darlington U12's 1 Harraton U12's 0

Second half and the Harraton came out fighting attack after attack was stopped by a very strong defence line of Callum McCae, Josh Bell and Sam Pocock . A very confident Spencer McCabe had time to do several 'keepie ups' on the wing before shooting and hitting the crossbar!

Jack Harland was brought down in the box for a penalty, he took it only for the keeper to pull off a brilliant save and Tommy Ord put the re-bound inches wide. At the other end Sam Pocock slid-in to clear a goal scoring opportunity to keep the score down, he then went on a run all the way up the pitch, to have a good solid shot saved. Tommy Ord ran and tackled everything insight and played several through balls for the lads to run onto. A great one-two from Brock and McCabe and then a brilliant defence splitting pass by McCabe , put Harland though and he 'megged' the keeper to make it 2-0.

Callum McCrae took an elbow to the face but insisted on playing on, again, the three at the back breaking down everything. Riley Spinks came into the left with Spencer switch to the right, Ord coming into the middle and Smith dropping into his familiar right back. Again attacks were made from Spinks, Brock, McCabe and Ord all getting forward. The game was finally killed off from an amazing lob of the keeper from Jack Harland to score his 2nd hat-trick for the club.

Final score:

Darlington U12's 3 Harraton U12's 0

A fine performance from the back to the front, a great 'team' effort. Well done lads
