Trophy on Tour to Northallerton tonight!
By Ray Simpson

The Northern Premier League Championship Trophy is going out on tour!We’re making the Trophy availab...

The Northern Premier League Championship Trophy is going out on tour!
We’re making the Trophy available for as many people as possible to see and to hold – just like we did with the Northern League Trophy – and it will be continuing its tour on Thursday night (28th April) at the Fleece in Northallerton.
Accompanying the Trophy will be assistant manager Brian Atkinson and one of the players, and they’ll be answering questions about our triumphant season and the future.
Admission is free. The Fleece is in the High Street in Northallerton, and the event starts at 8pm. get there early, because there is bound to be a lot of interest.
Do you want to host the Trophy on Tour? Drop us a line on