Darlington Football Club against Discrimination
By Ray Simpson

Zero-tolerance stance
Darlington FC today launches a campaign against discrimination of any form at its home and away matches.
As a club this season, we have been involved in games which have included racism, homophobia and misogynism, and are therefore under investigation by the authorities.
Any form of discrimination is unacceptable, and as a club, we are determined to stamp it out at both home and away matches.
As everyone knows, we are facing an FA enquiry and a possible heavy fine for the misbehaviour of one of our fans at Scarborough in January. As a club which prides itself at the heart of the community, we find that embarrassing, intolerable and against the values which have earned the club a high level of respect throughout football. All right-minded people will agree with us.
Our strategy is to move to a new ground in the next two or three years, and establish a sustainable home for our club with the support of the local and wider community. All spectators and players should feel safe enough to attend a Darlington game, either at home or away, without hearing, or being subject to, abuse of any sort.
However, discrimination, no matter its nature, is illegal, and Darlington FC will not allow our good name to be tarnished by any individuals or group of individuals. We have established very good relationships with the FA, the National League, local politicians, local and national bodies and organisations, and we don’t want them ruined. We have a zero-tolerance attitude towards abuse, as we have demonstrated by banning fans from our matches.
Here's what Darlington skipper Adriano Moke says about racist abuse
and what our women's team captain Toni Upton says on misogynistic abuse
And here are the positions of Kick It Out and Her Game Too
Kick it out
Her Game Too
Here's what the Safer Streets campaign says about misogyny in Darlington
If you witness any form of discrimination at a Darlington FC game then please report it to abuse@darlingtonfc.org and we will investigate.
We will not hesitate to ban more fans if they are found, beyond reasonable doubt, to have abused any other person or persons, at a Darlington FC game, either at home or away.