David Johnston: I’m so proud

By Chris Stockdale

David Johnston: I’m so proud

Darlington FC CEO David Johnston Reflects on Record-Breaking Boost The Budget and Looks Ahead to Next Season

CEO David Johnston, speaking with Stuart Armstrong, expressed his immense pride in the club's fans for their exceptional support during the Boost The Budget campaign. The initiative raised an astounding £189,225 from 890 individual pledges, marking a 17% increase from last year. Johnston highlighted the critical role this funding plays in strengthening the squad for the upcoming season.

You can watch the interview here:

Boost The Budget Achievement

Johnston described the Boost The Budget campaign as "incredible," noting that the funds raised exceeded expectations. "Every year, the fans amaze me. To wake up this morning and see £189,000 I was just over the moon," Johnston said. He emphasised that this financial support is vital for bringing in quality players and bolstering the squad’s competitiveness.

Reflecting on Last Season

Reflecting on last season's challenges, Johnston acknowledged the difficulties faced by the club, including managerial changes and the intense pressure to secure results. Despite these hurdles, he praised the fans for their unwavering support, which played a crucial role in the team’s successful fight against relegation. "The fans stood by the players all the way through, and we got our just rewards at the end," he remarked.

Looking Forward

Johnston is optimistic about the future, emphasising the importance of careful recruitment to build a strong team. He detailed ongoing efforts to secure top talent and underscored the significance of season ticket sales and other revenue streams in supporting the club's ambitions. "We’ve got to recruit well in the summer, and I think we’ll be fine with that. Adding quality to what’s already there is key," he said.

Engagement with Political Figures

Johnston also addressed the club’s strategy of engaging with political figures, regardless of party affiliation, to secure funding and support for future initiatives, including potential stadium developments. He stressed the necessity of working with those in power to benefit the club, ensuring a sustainable and prosperous future.

A Message to the Fans

In closing, Johnston expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the fans for their continued dedication and support. "You are the envy of everybody, and I’m so proud to have you as the owners and fans of this football club," he said, urging everyone to keep the momentum going into the new season.

Thank you to all who contributed to Boost The Budget – your support makes a world of difference!